Feel free to contact Keenan Joyce for booking & inquieries:
eMail: con-tact [(at)] folkfun.org
voice: +49 (0)234 5839907
fax: +49 (0)234 5839967
press, media and publicans: download press info and more from the downloads-page
language: This website was designed in English, please feel free to contact Keenan in English, Gaelic, French and German.
Webdesign and layout of all material published on this website copyrights 2000-2023 by Keenan Joyce, except for the venues‘ logos or others quoted which are copyrighted by their owners and used by permission.
Material from these pages may be downloaded and stored for personal use only, re-production and publishing without former permission prohibited, except for the press-kits.
legal notice
Keenan Joyce is legally represented in Germany by:
Karsten Jürgens
Alte Laerfeldstrasse 86
44803 Bochum
ph +49 (0)234 51684825
fx +49 (0)234 5839967
e kon-takt [(at)] tuan-media.org
w www.tuan-media.org
vat-no (ust-nr): 306/5107/2432